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African violets and collectible houseplants

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S orbicularis

Single small light lilac blooms with darker eye.  Bright green, round to heart-shaped, thin, glossy leaves.  Good bloomer, grow single or multicrowned.  Small standard species.


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S orbicularis

Average Rating 4.8 out of 5


Occidentalis These dark green leaves with dark red backs are beautiful all by themselves. I can’t wait to see the blooms. As usual, I am so very pleased with the condition and quality of the plants. Thanks again Violet Barn!

Rita Ferrara Apr 18 2022, 17:06 PM

What a beauty!

This species blooms effusively with water colored looking pale lavender blooms having a pronounced dark eye. Too bad the ad for this plant has no accompanying photograph, but know you're missing out on a real beauty not adding this plant to your collection just because there is no photo. Everything I order from Violet barn comes in tip-top condition. Nice selection of plants, nice packaging!

Anonymous Oct 14 2021, 22:01 PM

Wild African Violets!

So interesting to find the wild varieties available! I love to understand where all of these unique hybrids begin their journey!

Samantha Bernstein Jul 31 2020, 16:44 PM

S orbicuclaris

Really excited about this one! He came in super condition and he really wants to grow, in fact he has grown so fast I may need to repot soon. Should bloom quickly.

Maxine Keiley Mar 05 2018, 17:43 PM

Constant Bloomer

My S. orbicularis, has been in constant bloom for months. I let this plant grow "natural", often refering it to my "wild child". This is a must have for anyone that wants a constant bloomer for an office or table.

Raina Mar 04 2013, 14:48 PM

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