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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

I love the pattern on the flowers and it blooms constantly.
Healthy plants

I received my first order of Streptocarpus. Bristol’s Turkey Tracks is one of them. As usual, the plants are very healthy but they don’t seem to be growing. I’m sure they will grow into beautiful plants but they are off to a slow start. Looking forward to beautiful flowers in the future.
Turkey Tracks

One of the first ones I got and still going strong!!
Easy Grower With Vivid Blooms

I’ve never grown streptocarpus before but this one was very forgiving as I learned what it liked. It has now bloomed several times with a single flower per stalk and the flowers are beautiful with bright vivid colors. I must have figured out what it likes because it now has two stalks with multiple buds sprouting that I excited to see bloom. The only downside is I now want to try more
Good bloomer and easy grower

This plant survived a summer of neglect! As soon as I began to take proper care of my plants, this one responded SO QUICKLY with new growth and blossoms!! Nice. *