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Average Rating 5 out of 5
yummy plant

this plant arrived in beautiful condition. I repotted her in a larger pot and put her in a sunny window. now she is blooming all the time. she has lovely brown/dark green leaves that are a beautiful contrast to the pink flowers.

My grandmother always had a bunch of these growing at her bedroom window. I finally found a source to buy some for myself! Can't wait until they arrive.
Outstanding Episcia - Must Have

Just love the bright pink contrasted against the dark foliage. Great grower!
Pretty foliage and blooms

I ordered this episcia last summer and it blooms so pretty!
Chocolate n Cherries

About 2 years ago I bought this plant from you and it grow just amazing. This winter I took my time to bring my plants in the house and the forst killed lots of my plants, the chocoloate n cherries was one. I am buying another one this year.
Great Bloomer

I love the contrast that the blooms provide against the dark shiny foliage of this plant. A must have for any collection.
Great plant

I ordered this plant several years ago, it is a beautiful plant and a fast grower....It's awesome.

This is one of the most hardy and beautiful Episcieas I have ever had the pleasure to own. Robust, fast growth and luxurious flowers abound. I started the plant in a small, portable greenhouse and then moved it to a larger green house. I have found it does best in humid conditions with full sun for 2 - 3 hours per day.
flower color is superb!

When I received the Chocolate 'n Cherries episcia it already had blooms on it and are they ever a lovely mauve color. I just love this plant. Like the previous reviewer I had an episcia nearly 40 years ago that my mother had given me. I had checked many florist shops looking for a "Chocolate Soldier", but have only found them here at the Violet Barn.
Chocolate n Cherries

As I was growing up , I remember seeing this Chocolate n Cherries my Mother had ,I just Love it.I have been looking for it all these years I just want to said Thank You so very much. for having it I Am buying 1 for each of my Sisters.