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Average Rating 4.7 out of 5
Love this plant!

Purchased 2 years ago. Still going strong with a multitude of cuttings. Cannot go wrong!
A beautiful pain...

Ooofffff, it is not for a beginner like me (never heard of these before), not that the plant is dying but it doesn't look its best. Very delicate. Nothing like the violets. More of a very distant cousin. I'm in Colorado-dry, so having everything on point for it is a challenge. I ended up having it in somewhat low light and in a basement with my orchids to match its desired humidity and no temp fluctuation. Seems to be better now. No burned, drying leaves, but I'm still cautious.
Beautiful leaves!

I received Spring Fling in my last order. This gorgeous episcia already has huge leaves with beautiful coloration. It is more green than silver showing up right now and probably will change to a silver as it grows older. The website doesn’t really do justice to this beauty. It makes a nice contrast to other episcias with their darker leaves. I highly recommend growing this one!