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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Mini Violets

I just received an order last week with Pinki, Mac's Elegant Emerald and Dolores Sugar Candy, what a surprise! They were all blooming and are still blooming! Great and fast service

This is such healthy and beautiful av. I love the white blooms with a light green edges. Best packaging for shipping I have ever seen.
Very prolific bloomer

I’ve entered this variety in a couple of shows and it always does very well. It blooms like crazy - you’ll barely be able to see the leaves! It’s also sturdy and resistant to environmental stressors.
Amazing little jewel

Violet Barn has the best packaging of any nursery I’ve ordered from. This little plant arrived with buds that proceeded to blossom. The plant has been in continuous bloom since it arrived. It takes up so little space and is adorable. I would recommend Mac’s Elegant Emerald as addition to any collection. It’s a gem.
Luck of the Irish

This plant is so cute & grows very symmetrical. This little one is a must have for your collection whether you are irish or not.
What a little beauty!

I received this in my first Violet Barn order, and he is so adorable! He arrived with tiny buds which are growing and soon to open....I can't wait to see the flowers! Such a beautiful, healthy and happy plant! Violet Barn is top notch with their quality, customer service and shipping. So glad I found you, Violet Barn! Thank you for your dedication and loving care you give to your plants!
Beautiful little flower

This little beauty came with flowers on it it didn't suffer any shock from the trip from New York to key West it's continued to bloom every since I got here healthy little plant is beautiful
Small wonder!

This was my "freebie". It came in an order in which I ordered my first mini AV. It was full of blooms and so perfect and little. Absolutely adorable!
Lovely blooms

The blooms unfurl very slowly, so the flowers look much more bell-shaped than the pics as of now. The color is beautiful, slightly green-yellow tinged on the edges, and the buds are larger than average I think. I've had mine for three months now and it's on its second round of blooms. I've ordered many plants from Violet Barn and they all arrive quickly, perfectly healthy, and quick to bloom, in sterile soil.
Cute Little plant

I just received this plant a few days ago and it has several blossoms. As always, the packaging was excellent and the plant arrived in excellent shape. Thank you.
Lovely little gem

This little violet is so cute. This bloom is sort of bell shaped & white with green edges. I love this little gem!
Adorable mini

This little guy came as a freebie and it is growing to become one of my favorites! It's coming into heavy bloom and the little buds are cute and definitely have a hint of green to them, plus I'm a sucker for pansey blooms.
In bloom all the time

When I received this at the beginning of April it was in bloom and has not stopped. It has white flowers with green tinged edges. I have it in a mini wicking pot and it seems to be happy. I know I am.
Mac's Elegant Emerald

A wonderful plant -so delicate-and a great bloomer-it didn't seem to like the winter but it is growing great now. So happy to have it .
Lovely little thing

Recieved this plant a few months ago and it is doing great. Came perfectly symmetrical and now had buds forming. Cant wait to see it in full bloom.
Really Elegant Plant

I love mini violets. I got this little beauty with many white blooms, and I am very pleased with my order.
Amazing bloomer

I recently got this beauty and it is already blooming a bunch of the cutest white blooms with green edge. Loving green edged blooms it fits right in my collection.
five star

OMG! The bl;ooms on this plant are gorgeous ! Covers its self w/blooms. Stands out and catches your eye.
Blooms over and over again

This is an adorable plant that never stops blooming. It is fairly hardy and loves my sunny windowsill. Thanks so much!
5-star plant!

Got this plant as a freebie. Absolutely love it! Easy grower with dark, glossy leaves and beautiful delicate flowers. One of the best mini-plants I have.
Keeps blooming!

Bought this plant in September 2012 last year and it has rebloomed three times already this year. Although I am a little biased in favor of Rob's plants, this non-Rob is one that I really love!