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Average Rating 5 out of 5
another favorite

such wonderful growth and shows new growth. Very adaptable to lighting too . I love the shape of the leaves. What a joy
Beautiful creeper

This is a gorgeous fern. I love its silvery hairs! I bought it to grow on the back wall of a large planted tank where I've had a bit of trouble getting plants to thrive. This baby arrived healthy and robust, and while still new to my collection, I have high hopes for this unique epiphytic fern. I should've purchased more than one. Probably will.

I bought this plant over a year ago and it does well in a vivarium with little geckos crawling over it. Definitely a quick grower, and looks great on cork.
Love this plant!

Initially I had no idea what I wanted to do with the ones I ordered (a year ago, so these are good and hardy!), but they made an amazing epiphyte for the gecko/dart frog vivariums I have. They're easy to propagate and do really well creeping along things like cork bark.