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Average Rating 5 out of 5

Arrived blooming, but the plant it self was so tiny with maybe 5 leaves. Couldn't believe a small plant like that could survive shipping. But it is growing well
Love the quality of all the plants I have received: Would love to have the whole barn-full!!!

My Misty Landscape arrived tiny and perfect; now, 2 weeks later, there are flower stalks appearing at each leaf base! Superb cultivar!!! Probably WILL have a barn-full of these little cuties. Gesneriads are a perfect distraction in rainbow-carnival color and greens of tranquility for my long northern winters of grey and white... Thank you! I am delighted to have rediscovered a childhood love of these captivating plants.
Suzanne Wagner

I love this dainty violet. The color of the flowers is perfect, a bit softer than than the picture. Mine bloomes frequently. Bell shaped flowers are now on my wish list.
A real beauty!

This was among the many I purchased for the first time thru Violet Barn. They had just gotten back from a major show when I placed my order. Only 2 of the plants I received were in bloom and most of them were very small, young plants. It has been a few months now, and most are in bloom now or beginning to bloom. This one has become a favorite. It looks just like this picture and is extremely healthy. I am going to enter it in our local violet show this weekend and see how it does. Very happy with all my plants from Violet Barn! Just sorry they are so far away. I'm in California.