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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5

Absolutely love this plant. The blooms are striking and always look healthy and happy.
Dainty but gorgeous!

My first violet from the Violet Barn. I was very impressed with the quality of the plants and shipping was the best I have seen. My violet is just now blooming and it is beautiful. The leaves are fabulous. This violet is very showy. I look forward to watching it mature into a beautiful adult violet. I look forward to more purchases from the Violet Barn.
Beautiful blooming baby!

I purchased two of these and both were already blooming! So thrilled! Beautiful!!
Very hardy

This violet is determined to live! Somehow I dropped this one, broke off most of it’s leaves. It’s surprised me by sprouting 3 new leaves in less than a month and is going strong! It’s a survivor!
Beautiful little flower

This is one of the more vigorous violets I own very very strong it would be beautifully and symmetrical at the moment it wasn't for my own clumsiness of broken several leaves of it just handling it and watering it and those leaves I've planted and even for a young plant it's already produced babies it says something about the genetics and the strength of the plant very very strong