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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Beautiful bloomer

Sits in my kitchen window and puts up the most beautiful blooms!
Wonderful Plant - keeps blooming

This is a lovely plant. The splash of yellow is very nice along with the dark purple whiskers. There always seems to be new buds coming up.
Wonderful Plant - lots of blooms

This was my first Streptocarpus. It took a little while, but once Solar Wind started blooming, it just keeps going. It went from one bloom to more than six withing a few weeks. I love it.
Exquisite coloring!

This is my favorite so far! The colors are subtle and beautiful! Our granddaughter loves the little dark whiskers! Altogether happy with Solar Wind.
New to Streps

I'd seen streptocarpus, but didn't have any. Got one from a grower and fell in love. Ordered this and like everything I've ordered from Violet Barn, arrived very well packed and was very healthy. I'm anxious to get a few more.