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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Very Sweet
Very pretty flowers on a sweet little plant. This photograph is an accurate reflection of the blooms colors.
This plant was given to me as a gift years ago. She began my love and appreciation for violets. I have to admit she intimidated me at first so I did tons of research and joined social media forums about violets. Now, years later I must say, she is thriving and living her best life among the rest of my violets. I cannot say enough about this gorgeous girl! She is great for newbies too!
This shiny Violet is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. It came with three heads and his grown well. Recently a neighbor had a death in the family and this was the prettiest plant I had so I gave it to her. Now I'm going to get me another one. It's easy to care for and always beautiful.
A wonderful little plant! Blooms true to color pictured here.
Pictures cannot show you how adorable this little plant is. I've ordered several of them as gifts. They are so tiny I do not even try to prune them or shape them. I just let them grow on their own and they are always beautiful.