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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

Love this little bloomer. Lots of flowers. Really love the blueish color.
A very delicate looking bloomer!

Even though m plant is small right now it really gives a great show when its blooms! People always ask where I get my violets? I live outside Dallas, TX and no one sells violets. They are very hare to find and when you do find them they usually die within 90 days? I have raised violets for over 30 years. I do not have that problem with The Violet Barn violets. And no one has the color options that are offered here.
Dainty and Cheerful

I love seeing Rob's Boolaroo first thing in the morning when I sit down to work. Beautiful little lavender purple flowers with little speckles all over it. It's easy to please and take care of. I'd recommend it in a heartbeat.
Glamorous Rob’s Boolaroo

What a charming and beautiful trailer. When I received this beauty it was full of buds. When opened it was color of pink with purple splashes. Absolutely gorgeous! I recommend this trailer highly…
So far, so good

My Rob’s Boolaroo was delivered in great shape. It’s growing kind of slowly thus far (~2 months) but hoping it continues forging ahead. It’s been continuously in bloom since it arrived.