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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

I won't get a Freebie for this cause I didn't put it in the blank but wanted everyone to know that between last years order, the one a few weeks ago and the one I received Friday, the plants are all just beautiful. This was my first trailer and wow! How impressive! It was a very cute plant, what I could see of it cause it was so covered with blooms, I couldn't really tell!....totally awesome! I will be back again, for sure.
Extremely profuse

Easy to grow, fast growing. Flower bloom look like chimera because I've never get bloom true from leave cutting!

I ordered this not long ago. It is a beautiful little plant! It grows quickly and is in constant bloom. The flowers are just as decribed- white with blue side stripes. The leaves are a light green to medium green. Get this one you will be so happy!
There's a reason it has this many reviews!

When they say "extremely profuse" they are not kidding. Great plant!
Terrific Bloomer

I bought this plant and a few Non Rob's hybrids about a year ago. All the plants arrived in wonderful condition, well grown in 2 inch pots. Humpty Doo has been consantly in full bloom. The others.... not so much. They have great foliage, but, few, if any, blooms under the same growing conditions. Apparently, Rob's hybrids thrive even under my (quite likely) less than ideal growing conditions. My next order will be of more Rob's varieties.