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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
A favorite trailer

I recently moved and my Rob's Sailor Bill was damaged beyond saving. As it is one of my all time favorites, I'm so happy Violet Barn still offers it. I can now get a replacement for my collection of trailers.

Healthy but No Blooms

I could not for the life of me to get Sailor Bill to bloom. Had it for over a year and it grew as a big green dense bush. I thinned it, pruned it to try to get more sunlight to the base of plant and nothing worked. I have over 150 AVs in my collection and have never had this problem before although Stickey Wicket would not bloom for me either. It was anlmost if plant was sterile. All of my other AVs bloom heavily and are healthy. I grow under lights as well.
Very cute

Gifted this one to my mother and it has flourished. Covered in tiny, pretty light pink blooms!
Robs Sailor Bill

I purchased this plant five year’s ago it has the most prolific blooms from all other mini violets I have purchased. At one point this little plant was 8” around hanging in a marame hanger it got huge. Love this little beauty.
Pretty Plant

Received a pretty little plant well packaged. Can't wait to see it grow and bloom. Thanks VB.
First-time buyer

I had no idea African violets came in trailing varieties! I ordered this one and a non-trailing mini. They arrived in perfect shape, and both look really healthy. The packing was excellent! And shipping was very fast. This little guy has some tiny side crowns and I’m looking forward to watching him grow.
Healthy Little Trailer

Have had this little gem for 3 weeks and it is growing by leaps and bounds. Can't wait for it to bloom! Violet Barn is amazing!!!!
Pretty little plant

I’ve had my plant since May. The foliage has grown a lot and I have the first bloom almost ready to open. Looking forward to seeing this .
Rob’s Sailor Bill

This plant has been growing well for me. It’s blooms are beautiful sweet little pink things that keep blooming and blooming.
Beautiful in bloom

I have tried to grow this plant several times--this time it was a success!!! The blooms are beautiful.

Beautiful plant. Can't wait to grow mine to this size!
A beautiful little plant

A pretty lovely looking small African violet, and I can't wait till it gets larger.
The Most Beautiful

I bought this beauty a few months ago. Such a gorgeous pink color and so many blooms. It just keeps getting better. One of my favorite violets and a must have in my collection. You can't go wrong with Rob's Sailor Bill. The blooms are a delicate pink and just keep coming. I love this little baby.
Love this little fellow!

I've had this plant for a number of years. It didn't do very well at first until I realized it likes warmer conditions and more light than I was first giving it. Now it is continually blooming and growing. I love it!
Rob's Sailor Bill

I especially love this sweet violet! I can't wait for it to bloom! My previous order of violets arrived quickly and very well-packaged. I put them in an arrangement of teacups. I love each violet I received!
Second review

I wanted to post again about this lovely trailer. It is in a 3.5" pot now and is in it's second blooming. The amount of blooms is so beautiful. I posted a picture of it in an AV trailer group on Facebook. I wish I could share a picture here. I don't think I would have thought to buy this, since it was a freebie from Violet Barn, but now it's one of those I don't think I'd want to be without.
Good grower

This was a freebie with an order I received back in May. Of course, it was a baby, and I started it out in a 2.5" pot. It is now in a 3" pot. I let it bloom once when small just to see the bloom, but then I pinched the blooms, and I have also groomed off leaves to open it up as it has dense foliage. It is very happy in the window, and is starting to sprout bloom, which I'll leave. I recommend this plant.