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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Great Little Show Plant!
Ordered this miniature violet from Violet Barn in 2021... Foliage tiles very nicely. It is definitely a very heavy bloomer! Beautiful blossoms... love their color and shape.
absolutely lovely!
First order and I am forever hooked buying my African Violets from Violet Barn!
Such a cutie ❤️
I have had Rob's Cherry Soda for a few months. This is my first miniature African Violet and it is such a cutie. The first couple of months she wasn't growing but a friend recommended that I put the violet in a dome. My Rob's Cherry Soda is now thriving . . . Fingers crossed she will be blooming soon
Blooms like crazy
Easy bloomer!
Very pretty!
When I received this violet, it arrived in great shape and full of buds. The beautiful, little, frilly blossoms lasted along time. The leaves had nice verigation. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, it took a down hill turn. It's been slowely recovering and has recently bloomed again, though the leaves don't look so good. However, I successfully removed two suckers from it, and they are looking great! One is even putting out little buds. It really is a beautiful, little violet, but maybe a little more sensitive.