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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

I had this one for a short time but the cat played to hard with-it !!!
A Perfect Tiny Gem

This plant is beautiful even without blooms. The lovely blooms are the icing on the cake. Even better - it's tiny and cute.
So smol! So gorgeous!

I just got my first Violet Barn order containing my first mini AVs. They all arrived in great shape - only two broken leaves. The Wascally Wabbit is definitely my favorite - the leaves look almost like satin, and I love the pink variegation. It has a lovely shape, also. Now to spend the next few weeks making sure everyone stays as healthy as they are now...
Perfect Little Beauty

I adore all the micominiatures I've gotten from Violet Barn, but this one could very well become my favorite. I received this beauty in perfect condition. The variegated leaves have a beautiful pink hue and the shape of the crown is perfect. Mine has some tiny buds just beginning to grow and I cannot wait to see them open.
So so cute!

I received this plant a couple of weeks ago. It was my first time ordering from the Violet Barn, and only my second time ordering plants online at all. I was worried because my first experience ordering plants online (from a different site) went terribly - however, the care the folks at the Violet Barn put into my package of two micro mini AVs was so easy to see! The plants were packed so carefully and gingerly, they arrived in completely perfect condition, not a single damaged leaf! I am so happy with my new plants from the Violet Barn, and I will definitely be ordering from them again! Thank you!!