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Selaginella kr. aurea

Selaginella kraussiana aurea.  Terrific, golden yellow, ground-hugging moss.  Great for adding color to a terrarium or other small planting.  Easy to grow, a must-have.


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Selaginella kr. aurea

Average Rating 4.6 out of 5

Beautiful little plant

This plant will spread on the bottom of your container. Nice color to contrast with other plants

Diann Klotzbier May 16 2021, 18:19 PM

Bright Colored Fern

I purchased this bright colored little fern and am really enjoying it. I plan to add more ferns to my collection after adding to my African Violets. I highly recommend Violet Barn. Their selection and quality is excellent. Karen Hood Spokane Valley, WA

Dr James Hood Jan 04 2019, 18:38 PM

grows like crazy

I would definitely recommend this to anyone. I put it in a terrarium and it completely took over. It grows like crazy when it gets the right humidity so plan on trimming it a lot.

Elyse Okopski Oct 01 2018, 18:14 PM

A must have

I love this the contrast of this bright green color, it really stands out. It seems quite hardy and is growing well in my sealed terrarium!

Roberta Hornauer May 31 2018, 23:10 PM

Nice color!

Nice color. Makes a great contrast with other plants in terrarium.

Frank Soares Apr 27 2015, 12:20 PM

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