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Trailing african violet

African violet trail flowers are pretty. Constant bloomer. Thank you
My first trailing violet

I ordered Rob's Galiwinku and LE Victoria on June 19th. The plants arrived in great condition although a leaf broke off the LE Victoria. It was cut so short that I thought I won't be able to plant it. Then, I found Rob's comment in one for their FAQ section that "you can plant the leaf w/o the petiole". So, i did! I might have more LE Victoria plant in the coming months. LOL Also, thank you for the free Rob's Humpty Doo! It is so cute with those little blooms. I am so hooked into African Violets now that for my birthday my husband bought me books on how to grow African Violets :) Thank you Violet Barn.
Oh my goodness,,,

I placed my first order for 11 violets...I was very nervous about the shipment process. They came and I wasn't home and the postman stuffed (and I mean crammed) the box into my mailbox upside down. I had to get a knife and cut the box to get it out of my mailbox. I didn't hold out much hope at that point. However, you packed my order so well that not one violet was damaged, 2 were actually blooming. The violets were not even that dry. Now 6 days later 4 more are blooming! Can't wait to order more. Thank you so much.
Rob's Galiwinku

These blooms are beautiful. They are purple-ish marbled with blue in my conditions. This plant has produced some lovely photos already (if I could upload to go with the review I would). I didn't know fantasy could look so exquisite.
AMAZING! I’m back for more!

I made my first violetbarn order a few months ago and included this plant. It’s been so great I’m buying one for my mom! All the plants came wonderfully packaged and healthy but this one in particular has just been an amazing plant