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This violet is gorgeous and easy to grow. Always blooming and likes lots of water which is good for me. Doesn't take up a lot of space and will be a pleasure to anyone who enjoys African violets.
One of my favorites

This was my first miniature/trailing violet and I've been very happy with it. The plant is very small and compact, and though it looks cute, it's very tough. I've had a lot of trouble with watering my standard violets - it's either too much or too little. This little plant is far more tolerant of someone who's still learning. I suspect because of the small size of the pot, the dirt dries/moistens quicker. I simply water it from the bottom by dipping it into a small bowl of water. I also just started using the Dyna-Grow liquid fertilizer sold by Violet Barn and the flowers are a COMPLETELY different color. They were light pink, but now they're all a deep vibrant purple and pink. Usually have 9 to 12 blooms.
Cutie Patootie

This is a cute little plant! I got Galiwinku as a "seller's choice" for my first trailer. I wasn't immediately thrilled and thought, "what a weird name." But I grew to really like it. The foliage on mine is emerald green and makes a great backdrop for the "sprays" of delicate lavender flowers. I found I need to water this one a little more than most, I guess because of the multiple crowns and many blooms. So cute, but I'd love to know how she got that name!

I absolutely love this beautiful and easy to grow little trailer! Plants from Violet Barn are always well packed and arrive in perfect condition.
Dainty little gorgeous flowers!

I received this one in one of my orders. It had one very pretty bloom and a very healthy plant, but I still managed to kill it. I so want another, but am a bit afraid to try again. I just love these plants, but I must be killing them with love! I seem to have a bit better luck with the standards.