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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Constant bloomer

I lovingly gave my little violet to my daughter. Hers is constantly blooming. I need to replace my empty spot so, I'm buying 2 more. I'm going to try planting 2 together.
Rob's Galiwinku

Wonderful little plant, I've only had it a little over a month and it's already starting to bloom. Good choice!
Lovely Plant!

I am ordering another one of these for a gift. I love trailing violets and The Violet Barn does a terrific job.
My new favorite! Love it!

It had a small bud on it when I received it, ( that I thought was great) and in just over 2 and 1/2 months later I lost count at over 50 sweet blossoms! I wish I could add a photo here so you could see how pretty it is. Love the size and my first semi-miniature.
4 Years

I bought this feisty little plant from here 4 years ago and it's still kicking. It has survived my care as a novice African Violet caretaker as well as my mother care. It can bounce back after any abuse or neglect you may give it. Great trailing AV!